Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I need to start Blogging again!

Well life has been so BUSY around our home that every time I sit down to write a little one needs me. I have not had any time to do anything other than our normal routine. It started as not wanting to blog so much during Lent, and then I found myself not being able to. I have decided to put my blog into my daily routine, I miss it horribly.

So, I have been up to pretty much the same things I have always been up to just schooling, cooking, cleaning, and learning each and every day.  We are a few weeks into Lent and I have just spent more time away from the computer then I used to. It is nice to take breaks from things once in a while and just free your head from things. As I was freeing my head of things, I still took lots of notes for my Blog and every time I did something fun or something happened I wrote it down to share.  My husband said that it should be okay to set aside 1hr a day to journal my thoughts and find some quite time to myself.  Have I ever said how much I love my wonderful husband :) Well I do!

Here is a recap of the past 3 weeks- We bought a new puppy a 9week old male pure Breed German Shepherd. He was born on my husband’s birthday and his name is Otto we think he's a keeper:)

I was also told by my dentist this week I have a moderate case of periodontal fun fun. It runs in my family and with all the babies I have I am not shocked.

I have also been thinking a lot about our Faith and how much more I need to lean on God for all my anxiety. As a mother of 7 daughters 11 and under I have a fair case of anxiety, wanting to stay as healthy as I can. So I will be leaning on the Lord more then I have. I always like to do things on my own, not the best idea when I have a Savior willing to help.

Back to Blogging! I missed you all!



Mrs. Stam said...

That is one CUTE puppy!!!! Phil 4:5-6

Unknown said...

What a fun recap! Thanks so much for the follow - I'm following you right back :)

Hope to see you around again soon!